How Could We Be Wrong?
Well, busy dishing out the crap
And passing someone else the tab
We found out where it’s really at
How could we wrong?
Bigger armies, bigger bombs
Just waiting for the day to come
When we could murder everyone
How could we be wrong?
Well, it doesn’t matter what we say
We’ve gone and done it anyway
And there’s filth and poison in our air
And we don’t even care
Well, we’ve done it now it’s dead and gone
Annihilation for everyone
There’s no children left to carry on
How could we be wrong?
Different countries, different lives
Different fingers in different pies
A grown man breaks down and cries
How could we be wrong?
There were hopes and feelings swept aside
For something dark held down inside
You know, we threw a party while our planet died
How could we be wrong?
Cut it right back to the bone
Make a point and drive it home
Then cry yourself to sleep alone
How could we be wrong?
Well, you don’t know that you’ve had enough
So get your feet back in that trough
While the devil laughs his head right off
How could we be wrong?