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Walk The Bridge


The rites of spring and summer were over in a flash

Wheels within wheels keep turning, like waves the minutes crash

You climbed across the hurdles, jumped through all the hoops

Walked across the bridges til in the middle you met the truth



Will I walk the bridge alone

Like a ghost trying to make it back home

Will I walk the bridge alone

Like a ghost trying to make it back home


Tried to drown myself once but I was spat out like a cork

Too tough, too hard to swallow, left me washed up on the shore

Life’s a series of collisions that you really can’t control

Lost in deep divisions between the mind, the body and soul






I built an altar, I learned to kneel, I even offered my soul up for you to heal

But when I fell off the edge you feigned surprise

You locked the door while you tried to claw out my eyes


Oh, I dreamed you picked a flower the colour of the sky

Put it on a shelf and didn’t water it, watched it wilt and die

So tell me that you love me even if you don’t

Say it’s going to last forever, but in your heart you know it won’t





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